Monday, October 10, 2011

Grandma Belter's Creamed Mushrooms

I had this blog post ready for three weeks in anticipation of Thanksgiving. All I needed was to take a picture of the finished mushrooms. I prepared them two nights ago and forgot to take a photo...I intended to take one right before dinner was served...then...the camera battery had no juice...I plugged it right before everyone got here and I completely forgot about it. I can't actually even take a picture of the remnants, because there WERE no remnants. I won't make them again until Christmas, mushroom picture.

Last night was fun. Lots of friends and family, lots of food...and lots of alcohol. I love Thanksgiving. (It's actually my favourite Hallmark holiday - up to and including the annual pre-dinner fight with Keith and Cara.)

This is one of those turkey dinner add-ons that for some reason, people love. I can make cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and dinner rolls...slave for two days preparing all the Thanksgiving fixin's... and everyone raves about the mushrooms. Each year, people contact me for the recipe and I always feel like a fraud...because creamed mushrooms don't really have a lot of stuff in 'em...garlic...more garlic...butter, cream and...well...mushrooms.

Keith's Ukranian Grandma made them for many, many holiday dinners...then his mother took on the mantle. She went a  little more "gourmet", adding shitake and other fancy mushrooms but the general consensus has always been to leave 'em simple.

I have one photo of Christmas dinner where the creator of the famed creamed mushrooms was at the table. (Cara is missing from the photo so I can only assume she took it...and my eyes looked demonic so I tried to photoshop them and now I just look kind of weird...)

In any event, much joy and laughter has happened over the years at gatherings where Grandma Belter's mushrooms have graced the table. Turkey dinner would just not be the same without them.

So here, especially for Care-bear and Bubbee...Theresa, Lindy, Debbie and the "recipe". Just in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

Creamed Mushrooms

Fresh White and Brown mushrooms, washed and drained. (smaller are better - I usually buy a bag of white and a half a bag of brown.

A few (3 or 4) cans of mushrooms, drained. I usually add a couple of cans of whole and a couple of cans of pieces and stems.

One stick of butter (1/4 lb)

Finely chopped fresh garlic (LOVE garlic. I always put at least a whole head in - if not more. I just wing it.)

Garlic powder (for case I haven't chopped enough fresh garlic)

Salt and Pepper (to taste - I usually sprinkle a little seasoning salt at the end for more flavour but this is SACRILEGE to the family purists.)

1 litre of half and half cream

Brown the mushrooms and garlic in a large pot. Let them simmer until they release and re-absorb their water. The bottom of the pot should be starting to sizzle and brown before you add the cream, salt and pepper. Simmer for at least an hour and transfer to a large baking dish. The cream should start to take on a light brown colour...and will still be very liquid.

I almost always make these the day before and put them in the fridge over-night. Put them in the oven the moment you take the turkey out - there should be enough time to reheat them while the turkey stands, is carved and the gravy is made. If they need a boost, I just throw 'em in the microwave when no one is looking.

Et, voila.

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